# 一、形容词:痴迷、陶醉
1. Enamored - 痴迷
- 她的眼睛里闪烁着爱的光芒,显然她已经完全被这个男人所吸引。
- She was enamored with his charming smile and the way he carried himself.
2. In love - 陷入爱情
- 自从遇见他之后,她的整个世界都充满了阳光和色彩。
- Since she met him, everything in her life had turned into a bright, colorful world full of joy.
# 二、动词:坠入情网、沉迷于爱
1. Fall for - 坠入情网
- 时间一去不返,她却在不知不觉中深深地陷入了爱情。
- Time passed by, and she found herself deeply in love without even realizing it.
2. Be smitten with - 被...所吸引
- 他的一颦一笑都让她心醉,让他成为了她的梦中情人。
- Every little movement he made was enough to make her heart skip a beat, making him the man of her dreams.
# 三、名词:爱情的俘虏、爱的囚徒
1. Captivated - 爱情的俘虏
- 她被他的深情所俘获,愿意为他放弃一切。
- She was captivated by his deep emotions and willing to give up everything for him.
2. Prisoner of love - 爱的囚徒
- 在爱的魔力下,她成为了真正的囚徒,心甘情愿地被爱情所束缚。
- Trapped in the magic of love, she became a true prisoner, willingly bound by her own emotions.
# 四、形容词 + 动词:爱如痴、情深似海
1. Infatuated - 爱如痴
- 她被爱情冲昏了头脑,做出了一连串的傻事。
- Infatuated with love, she did a series of silly things.
2. Heartstruck - 心动
- 他的一举一动都让她心动不已,无法自拔。
- Every action he took left her heartstruck and unable to tear herself away.
# 五、介词短语 + 形容词:如痴如醉、情深意切
1. Lost in love - 如痴如醉
- 当她沉浸在爱河之中,一切都变得模糊不清。
- Lost in love, everything became blurry and unclear.
2. Heartfelt - 情深意切
- 她的心中充满了深情的承诺与无尽的思念。
- Her heart was filled with heartfelt promises of endless longing.
# 六、复合形容词:心如刀割、柔情似水
1. Heartbroken - 心如刀割
- 爱情的失败给她的心灵带来了巨大的创伤,仿佛被利刃所刺。
- Her heart was broken, as if stabbed by a sharp blade.
2. Melodious - 柔情似水
- 她的声音中透露出柔情与温暖,如同流水般轻柔而美妙。
- Her voice was melodious, filled with warmth and softness like gentle flowing water.
# 七、名词 + 动词:爱的迷途、情感的旅程
1. Romance - 爱的迷途
- 她走在爱情的路上,不时迷失于其中,但从未后悔。
- She wandered down the path of romance, sometimes lost but never regretting it.
2. Emotional journey - 情感的旅程
- 在这一段情感的旅途中,她经历了无数喜怒哀乐,但也因此更加成熟与坚强。
- On this emotional journey, she experienced countless joys and sorrows, making her more mature and resilient.